Becoming a Business Partner
To begin, let us know you're interested.

How it Works:
Today you'll let Target know you're interested and provide basic information about your business.  We'll get back to you as quickly as possible (typically within a few minutes) via email. (Please note the contact that completes the registration process is defaulted as one of the Business Partner Administrators for the company.)
Your Business Partner Administrator will then provide us with details about your company and be the primary contact for your company.  (Note: we do not allow sharing of IDs.)  
Business Partner Administrator Roles & Responsibilities:
Entering and updating contact information
Provisioning application access to other contacts
Communicating Target updates to appropriate contacts 
Overall accuracy of data provided on the company profile  ​​

How to Prepare

Information you need right now: 
Select the appropriate Business Partner Administrator(s) to register your company.  Follow the below guidelines:
- Each company should have at least 2 BP Administrators (please note that Administrators are given full access to your company data including payment information.)
- Ensure that the Administrator will regularly log into POL for updates and alerts
-Administrator will be responsible to ensure accurate and up-to-date profile and contact information
Your company's contact informationBasic company information
Information you will need later
· Detailed information about your business
· Information about your suppliers
· Product information